We have designed a special scholarship for prospective students from European Union countries. You may now study medicine in the Caribbean, complete the rotations in the United States and finally apply for a license in America.
Each term we’ll approve 5 full scholarships for students with the lowest income. All other students will receive 50% discount on tuition.
You may apply online or by mail for the each term. We are currently processing admission applications for the upcoming Spring ’12 term. Applications may be submitted online or by mail. Best applicants may receive the Admission Excellence Award.
Application Deadline is December 30th, 2011.
All prospective students, considering applying to Caribbean Medical University as well as their family members are welcome to visit the Curacao campus, to meet faculty members and current students.
Questions and concerns regarding the Admission Process should be addressed to the Office of Admissions at (888) 877-4268 ext. 1 or admissions@cmumed.org
There are three formats available to use in submitting your application for admission:
Should you choose either the pdf application or print formats, please mail your application form to:
Caribbean Medical University
Office of Admissions
5600 N River Road Suite 800
Chicago, IL 60018
Please note that although you may submit your completed application, your file will be reviewed upon receipt of all required documents described in the Submittals Checklist.
40% Tuition Savings for Caribbean Medical University Employees I am pleased to share with you that Walden University has agreed to extend for Caribbean Medical University (CMU) members the current tuition reduction of 40% for course-based bachelor’s, master’s programs, […]
Medical schools in Caribbean islands have been the top destination for medical aspirants who were locked out of the admission process in the mainland U.S. due to their low MCAT scores or the paucity of seats in medical schools. But, […]
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