Caribbean Medical University is pleased to bring its domestic and international Open House program to places near you.
You’ll be able to learn more about our exciting programs, to meet members of our admissions staff and to have an opportunity to speak to current students.
Our one hour presentation will show you why studying medicine at CMU
is a pleasant experience, and how Basic Science Program on the island prepares you for your Clinical Rotations in the United States.
Admission Department staff will address questions and concerns, you may have, on the way to become a Doctor of Medicine and how CMU’s academic offer can help you achieve that goal.

40% Tuition Savings for Caribbean Medical University Employees I am pleased to share with you that Walden University has agreed to extend for Caribbean Medical University (CMU) members the current tuition reduction of 40% for course-based bachelor’s, master’s programs, […]
Medical schools in Caribbean islands have been the top destination for medical aspirants who were locked out of the admission process in the mainland U.S. due to their low MCAT scores or the paucity of seats in medical schools. But, […]
What makes an excellent med school candidate in the U.S.? Good grades in the Sciences? Sound knowledge of Anatomy? Volunteering in hospitals? Not in the U.S! For most medical schools in the U.S., a med student has become synonymous with […]